Colorado Medical Esthetics Education

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Approved and regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Private Occupational School Board

Chemical Peel Certification Course (24 hr)

About the instructor:

Lora Cartwright, Owner/Instructor, has acquired over 40,000 hours Performing and  instructing in Cosmetic Laser trainings and over 52,000 Hours overall in
Medical Esthetic Training.
Chemical peel training is designed for the licensed practitioner to obtain a thorough understanding of various forms of chemical exfoliants; safety protocols, effective applications, skin profiling and post care guidelines.

Dates: February 03, 04, 05, 2025
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Time: 10am~6pm

Tuition: $900

Register Online

Certificate awarded upon successful completion of class.

We accept funds from a 529 accounts.

List of Valid Colorado State Educational Institutions

Office Location:
Colorado Advanced Esthetics
Arapahoe Medical Center
13111 E. Briarwood Ave
Suite 140
Centennial, CO 80112

Office: (303)768-8811
Text: (720)210-3145


Incorporated in 2003